To illustrate how online extends print brands it is useful to consider the similarities and the differences between great print and great online products.
Both are based on high quality content, great design and photography, and a distinct 'personality' that readers identify with. Where they differ is:
Print Online
Episodic 24 hour
Fixed amount Ever-expanding depth
Hard to search Machine searchable
Stand-alone Linkage to other assets and other content
Text/Image Text/Image/Audio/Video
One product Capable of personalisation
Time stamped Aspects of near-live content
One issue Back issues, archives
Static Interactive
The sheer depth, interactivity, and searchability means that the online product can extend the brand, extend the readership, and foster reader loyalty. For the moment, at least, the big advantage of the print product is its portability and visual quality - these features enable it to continue to complement the online version for some time to come.